
#2 Death & Funerals

#1.1 In Japan, most people wrap their lunch box, and so do I.
When I went to Australia, they didn't wrap their lunch box.
This is interesting...
I do wrap because the wrap is used for napkin.

#2.1 I have never been to a forein funeral.
How would I express condolences to my international friends or a host family...
I would say "I'm sorry for your lost".

#2.2. The language of Clothes :
a.Why are Japanese designer label crazy? Why is what you wear so important?
I do not know, but I think that they think unique design is nice.
What you wear shows your character, image and so on, I think.
So, what you wear is important.

b.What does “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” mean to you?
We don' to have to dicide what it is just see its outside.
So..we cannot understant it until we know the inside.

9 件のコメント:

  1. Hello!:*)
    I also went to Australia few years ago.
    They dont wrap apples, sandwiches...any food which is they have! haha

    Your explanation about “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” is very nice!
    I couldnt explain well like you...lol

  2. Oh, I haven't think about the lunch box wrapping. Right, I never been to Austrailia, but I think American people and Europian people also don't wrap their luch box that much.

  3. >charlie
    yes, I was surprised at the fact.

    About the expression, I was in deep thought about it...

  4. Hiii;D!!
    Your story in Austorailia is interesting!!
    I can't believe that!!haha
    And I agree with your opinion "the wrap is used for napkin." I think so too:D
    I think japanese people dislike to dirty own hands!

  5. >lohengrin
    I think so,too.
    I tought that it is natural to wrap lunch boxes.

  6. >Hiii~!
    yes, it is interesting!
    Also, we have to bring napkin in primary school, don't we?
    Japanese like cleanliness.

  7. Hi!
    I agree with you.
    the unique design is very nice. I think that it is important for us to show own personality.

  8. Hello.
    I think too. They think unique design is nice.
    so, I agree with your opinion.

  9. Hello SWEET CANDY,
    I think so, too! Actually I like the unique design clothes and I think that it can express my personality :)
