
#10 Table Manners

1. Have you ever eaten in a restaurant in a foreign country?
Where? What did you eat? Did you make any mistakes?
Yes, I have eaten in some British restaurants.
I ate PIDE, PANINI, sandwiches, and so on.
I don't know if I made mistakes.
I should have learned about the British table manner...

2. Did you learn anything?
In Britain, it was more often that I shoud eat food with knife and fork even sandwiches!! I wanted to have that with my hands. There are many table manners that I do not know. To know about that will make table happy or not.

10 件のコメント:

  1. Hi, sweet candy. Wow, it would make me so annoying if I have to eat sandwiches with knife and fork! :)

  2. Hello.
    It is too difficulte to eat sandwiches with knife and fork.
    I try to do it!!

  3. Hi!!
    It will be very tired for me.
    I want to eat sandwiches with my hands!!!

  4. hello!!
    I also found that people in England eat the sandwiches with knife and fork, and they also eat pizza and potatoes with them!

    You ahould try!!
    It is hard...;)

  6. >carp
    I had them with my hands...haha~

  7. >chiken
    Ye~s, People in England might not have foods with their hands, I think.

  8. Hello!!
    I am not good at using knife and fork.
    Maybe I am in trouble if I go abroad.

  9. Hi!
    Should we have sandwiches with knife and fork? It is interesting!
    I knew it for the first time.

  10. Hi!
    When I cut the chicken whole it, I think it is the most difficult way to fork.
    So Japanese unaccustomed to use fork and knife.
