
#7 Superstitions

1. Do you think it is important to talk about superstitions in CCC class? Why?
I think it is important to do so, because we should know other country's superstitions.

2. Is communication affected by superstitions?
No, I do not think so, because when I have a communication with people, I do not care about superstitions.

3. Do you believe in superstitions? If yes, what superstitions do you believe ? Why do you do, use, or believe in them?
When I was a child, the answer was yes. I believed a superstition, which it thunders, I have to cover my bellybutton. I just feared thunders.

Which part surprised you the most?
  In Denmark, they dangle food on Christmas tree! If I would do that in Japan, I would dangle some momijimanjyu...:)

What kind of Danish food do you want to try?
I want to eat the food being hanged on the Christmas tree!!

5 件のコメント:

  1. It was nice to hear that you have same opinion as me. Also I agree to your answer about no.3, I also believed in sperstitions when I was a child, because it scared me :)

  2. Hello!!
    I agree with your 2 opinion.I'm not care about supervision too!! I think I need not care about supervisions when I'm taking with someone.

  3. Hi!
    Your opinion is nice.
    I also think that it is important to talk about superstitions. I want to know those.

  4. Hello.
    Your opinion is nace.
    I agree with you.

  5. If we know other countries supertitons, we could have a nice time with them in conversation.
