
#12 Education

I disagree with her.

People could learn their language on their own.
It is true that kanji is difficult and sometimes need to be taught.
But we can look up the words in a dictionary.

We can learn our language in case we are not in class.
For example, read books and newspaper.

If we have less time to be taught English,
our English skill would go from bad to worse.


#11 Men and Women

I cannot say exactly disagree with the author.

"There is no profit to be gained."
This is the negative way of thinking.
Renai does not need benefit!
It might be true that girls are hassle, but it is part of their personality.
And I think boys are hassle, too.
So, we should not decide that women are like mendokusai something like that or men are like....


#10 Table Manners

1. Have you ever eaten in a restaurant in a foreign country?
Where? What did you eat? Did you make any mistakes?
Yes, I have eaten in some British restaurants.
I ate PIDE, PANINI, sandwiches, and so on.
I don't know if I made mistakes.
I should have learned about the British table manner...

2. Did you learn anything?
In Britain, it was more often that I shoud eat food with knife and fork even sandwiches!! I wanted to have that with my hands. There are many table manners that I do not know. To know about that will make table happy or not.


#8 Weddings

1. Do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good idea? Why?
I think it is good idea, because the bridal coule's family, relatives, friends, acquaintances, neighborhoods and their friend... many people can celebrate them. It would be a very big event and many people remember the wedding.

2 What do you think about eloping? Is it a good idea or romantic? Why?
I do not think it is a good idea or romantic.
If I did that, I would not be happy forever.

3 Have you ever thought about having wedding in a foreign location like Hawaii?Would you do it? Why? Or Why not?
Yes, I have. I have thought about it in Hawaii because I have heard some people did it there and it was good. If I have lots of money and time, I would like to have wedding in a foreign location.

4 What is your ideal wedding?
My ideal wedding is that it would be a good memory in my life and my family, relatives and friends celebrate us dearly.
I would like to have weatern style wedding so far.

5 What would you definitely do, wear or go to on that big day? Why is that important?
I would wear an beautiful wedding dress and thank my parents.
It is important because I want them happy to see grown-up daughter.

6 Have you ever been to a foreigner's wedding? What was your impression?
I have never been there.
So, I want to go to a German wedding. Because there is an unique cooperative activity between bride and groom for the first time.
In Japan, bride & groom cut cake together, but in German it is different from Japan.
There is a cut of cloth, and bride & groom cut it out with scissors like heart-shaped.
Then they go through the heart-shaped hole as he is carrying her in his arms.


#7 Superstitions

1. Do you think it is important to talk about superstitions in CCC class? Why?
I think it is important to do so, because we should know other country's superstitions.

2. Is communication affected by superstitions?
No, I do not think so, because when I have a communication with people, I do not care about superstitions.

3. Do you believe in superstitions? If yes, what superstitions do you believe ? Why do you do, use, or believe in them?
When I was a child, the answer was yes. I believed a superstition, which it thunders, I have to cover my bellybutton. I just feared thunders.

Which part surprised you the most?
  In Denmark, they dangle food on Christmas tree! If I would do that in Japan, I would dangle some momijimanjyu...:)

What kind of Danish food do you want to try?
I want to eat the food being hanged on the Christmas tree!!



1. Please explain a time proverb in your culture.
A time proverb shows that time is important, so we should cherish the time and should not miss good timing.
Time does not wait for us.
It is difficult to get time, and easy to lose it.

2.What do the following proverbs mean:
・Time is money.
Time is important, so we must not waste it same way as money.

・A stitch in time saves nine.
The longer you leave a problem, the more difficult to solve it.
=Better safe than sorry./Forewarned is forewarned.

・There's no time like the present.
It is the best chance to do something.
Now is only the time.

・Let's meet at 4, if I'm not there by 5, leave without me at 6, and I will be there at 7.
I don' t know the meaning, but I guess that the proverb means time passes so quickly that we think.


#3 The Language of Clothes

1. Do you judge people according to what they wear? Why?
I think I do because what they wear related to their calacters and feelings.
But it is not good to judge by just what they wear.

2. Do you think Japanese society puts an importance on clothing when judging other people from another country?
I don' t think so.

3. What colors are you wearing now? Do they reflect your mood?
I am wearing black clothes, they don't reflect my mood.


1. What are some subjects that you will never discuss with a friend?
I have no idea.

2. Do you have different friends for different parts of your life?
Yes, I do.
If so, how are they different to you?
I have some friends whom I want to talk about my distress, others whom I want to enjoy just talking with them.